Oils Recommended for Patients with Head Trauma and the Reasons Why:
Frankincense oil is a must-have for TBI patients. One of the most valued herbs in Ayurvedia, frankincense oil is celebrated for helping calm the nerves and uplift moods.
Relaxing oil, powerful antidepressant. Used as an aid for people dealing with brain damage. Assists in controlling tremors. Able to cross the blood brain barrier and assist in brain repair and function. Reduces scar tissue.
Geranium: Remedy for emotional and physical wounds, aids circulation, regenerates cells and Taps into the power of the heart .
It is perhaps most famous for its uplifting abilities, promoting positive energy and lively moods. It rejuvenates the senses, helping to sharpen cognitive function and awareness. For some, the intoxicating aroma of helichrysum oil can even spark the passions.
Decongests, unblocks, and rejuvenates. Great for the nervous system. One of the best essential oils for traumas. Where the body has been wounded or the emotions assaulted, this oil provides relief. It has the capacity to mobilize emotional paralysis, work with neuralgia.
If you are dealing with nerves this is the first oil to reach for. Helps stimulate the myelin sheathe and helps migrate the nerves so they can jump over or around a damaged area (neurosynaptic repair).
Nerve regrowth is a slow process; expect 2-3 months recovery for every year it’s been damaged. First sign of regrowth will be tingling sensation, then burning, then pain. Helichrysum oil can dissolve blood clots.
Wonderfully relaxing, lavender has been a flower known for its tranquil properties for years. Its distinctive floral aroma is fresh and it can: Calm your spirits. Brighten your mood.
Provide a spa-like experience. Comforts, revives the spirit and calms the mind. Balances the skin, body, and mind.
Regenerates cells and thread veins. Reduces scarring. Relieves pain, heals wounds, and rejuvenates. Can dissolve blood clots
Provides sharper concentration and more mindful memory. Lemon oil uplift moods and promote a positive outlook. Improves circulation, tones capillaries and veins.
Addresses slackened muscle tissue and poor circulation.
Promoting skin and hair health. Helping with concentration and memory. Invigorating and refreshing the mind and body.
It is known for its ability to: Refresh and stimulate the senses. Promote clear respiration. Support overall digestive health. Energizes a sluggish body. It detoxifies and activates lymph flow and drainage. Good for upper respiratory issues including cough and congestion. Clear the sinuses and support alertness and mental focus
Excellent for regeneration. Assists with blood flow. Excellent to use following paralysis or where degeneration of muscular tissue has occurred in the body. Stimulates circulation, provides the body with energy and vitality. Combats physical and mental lethargy and strengthens arterial blood flow. Promotes circulation in the extremities of the body. Do not use with high blood-pressure or seizures.
One of the most prized essential oils in aromatherapy, sandalwood oil Gently instills a sense of tranquility.
Is a popular soothing meditative aid. Helps with quiet contemplation. Renowned for treating the mind and body at the same time. Tissue re-generator, deprograms cellular misinformation and carries oxygen at the cellular level, increases capillary circulation. Is a valued meditative aid to help instill gentle tranquility, ease the nerves, and promote quiet contemplation.
Two suggestions as to the preferred essential oils that have shown the fastest results in dealing with a head trauma: Helichrysum and Frankincense.
I run a Stroke Brain Trauma Foundation - Our family has two cases of TBI and my Mon died from a stroke. 😟 (http://www.milkaclarkestrokefoundation.org) and my research let to to these wonderful, healing Essential Oils. I have been using them with amazing results. I prefer diffusing, but they can be used however you like.
You will need to dilute your oils before using them on your body. If you use a diffuser like I do, there is no need for dilution. You need a carrier oil for dilution,
Best Carrier Oils For Diluting Essential Oils
Essential oils are extremely small so they can pass through the skin and into the body quickly. But if you want to keep the oils on your skin and dilute them to create more gentleness on the skin you can combine them with carrier oils.
These larger oils that come from the fatty part of the plant can increase the length of time the essential oils stay on your skin and also prolong the aromatherapy effects.
Some people mistakenly think using carrier oils reduces the effectiveness of the oil but really it can be the opposite. Dilution increases the surface area of absorption and with certain oils can prevent sensitivities.
Common carrier oils include:
Almond oil
Coconut oil
Jojoba oil
Olive oil
Pomegranate seed oil
Essential Oil Contraindications
Because essential oils can act as a powerful form of natural medicine, there are a few instances where they are not recommended for usage:
Do not apply to broken or irritated skin. Always consult your trusted physician before adding any essential oil to your regimen, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or taking any medications.
If you are Pregnant – Do not use Basil, cinnamon, clary sage, clove, cypress, fennel, jasmine, juniper, marjoram, myrrh, rose, rosemary, sage and thyme.
In most cases, these oils are completely healthy but because they can effect hormones they are not recommended at this stage.
If you take Heart medications (blood thinners) – Do not use Clary sage, cypress, eucalyptus, ginger, rosemary, sage and thyme.
Discontinue use and alert your doctor should an adverse reaction occur. Keep out of reach of children and away from eyes and mouth. Essential oils are flammable.
Overall, aromatherapy is a great and inexpensive way to help promote healing, relaxation, and well-being without adverse side effects. Blending essential oils opens up a world of wellness possibilities! It works for me.
NEWS FLASH: Consuming coconut oil daily will do wonders for a healing brain...
In all cases, please discuss any new therapy with your doctor...even when you know they will just act crazy and tell you that you are crazy. 😃😃😃😃Knowledge is power.