Essential oils are rapidly becoming popular today, but they’ve actually been used for thousands of years. In fact, if you read the Bible, you'll find over 300 references to essential oils.
When you read in the Bible "anoint your head with oil," it was actually referring to essential oils. Historically, this was a very specific essential oil blend of cinnamon oil, cassia, calamus, myrrh essential oil along with olive oil.
Frankincense and myrrh essential oils were brought as gifts to the infant Jesus.
In fact, frankincense and myrrh were worth as much as gold was during those days. And the reason is they were the most effective forms of plant-based medicine.
Frankincense, for instance, was used during that time to reduce bruising. It's also great for the nervous system, so it would have been rubbed on a child after birth to support its growth and development and protect its immune system. Myrrh essential oil is a natural antiseptic. So, it would have been rubbed around the umbilical cord to keep that area from getting infected after birth.
Essential oils were also used in Chinese and Egyptian medicine.
In fact, they found several hundred liters of partly empty alabaster jars of essential oils in King Tut's tomb. It's actually been documented that Cleopatra opened the first beauty spa and she used essential oils in her treatments.
Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, famous for saying, "Let food be thy medicine," prescribed essential oils for healing over 2,000 years ago. So, why were essential oils used so widely throughout the Bible and throughout Egyptian and Chinese medicine?
Well, one reason essential oils were used so much throughout history is because they are easy to extract from plants... and your body naturally knows how to work with plants and oil-based compounds.
Here's Why You Need to Know How to Use Essential Oils Today
If you want to make-over your medicine cabinet, there’s no better way than essential oils.
Did you know essential oils can help you:
1. Replace dangerous drugs
2. Reduce inflammation
3. Balance hormones
4. Clear up acne
5. Get rid of age spots & scarring
6. Support weight loss
7. Detoxify your body
8. Clean your home
9. Improve allergies
10. Improve spiritual awareness
Essential Oils Are the Most Effective Form of Plant-Based Medicine
Most medicines today were originally inspired from a plant, then synthetically recreated–which can be toxic to the body.
Essential oils, on the other hand, are natural and gentle on the body. Your body naturally knows how to work with plants and oil-based compounds.
When you smell a rose or a peppermint leaf, what you're actually smelling is the essential oil. There’s nothing added.
Nothing synthetic. True essential oils are created by simply extracting the therapeutic, aromatic compounds from the plant.
Most oils are concentrated between 10 to 70 times what you’d find in the normal plant. So, you're getting very, very high levels of the therapeutic healing compounds when you use essential oils.
Essential oils work better than MOST modern medicines available today.
Because the compounds are so small they can actually pass into the cell wall, which allows them to help destroy viruses, pathogenic bacteria, parasites and other diseases that get into your body. This is one reason why essential oils are so effective. It's also why I've used them and recommended them to my patients for years.
Essential oils work because they contain high amounts of therapeutic compounds.
A 15 milliliter bottle (which is about the size of your thumb) of lavender essential oil takes about 150 pounds of lavender flowers.
Think about holding up a 150-pound plate in order to produce an oil weighing less than a pound. That's how many flowers or plants it takes to produce one single bottle of essential oil.
Essential oils are used everyday as natural medicine to treat a number of chronic illnesses, but they can also be used for everyday items.
Essential oils can be used for beauty, reducing aging marks (like sun spots or stretch marks on the skin), weight loss, and everyday things like cleaning your house, killing mold in your house, and allergies.
Simply put–essential oils are gentle on the body and they’re the most effective form of plant-based medicine.
1. Lavender essential oilLavender oil is all things calming to the body. It's amazing for your mood and for your skin. For mood, it's been shown to relieve anxiety. It's been shown to help you overcome insomnia and improve sleep. My wife and I have a diffuser by our bed and we diffuse it in the air before bed or we just rub it on our necks, but it's great for winding down before sleep and to use on your skin. Lavender oil is one of my favorites, one that I use pretty much every single day.
2. Lemon oilLemon oil is everything clean and fresh. Also, lemon oil is a natural detoxifier. It's been shown to detoxify the gallbladder and the liver and the lymphatic system. So, adding just a few drops of lemon oil to your water is great for naturally fighting any sort of immune-related issue and great for detoxification.
3. Peppermint oilThere are over 1,000 medical studies just on peppermint oil alone! One of the studies is how peppermint oil can be effective on the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease or IBS.
Those with diarrhea, constipation, any sort of bowel issue or leaky gut, peppermint oil is a great essential oil to use. There are so many more uses, but overall this is an incredible essential oil that you can use on a regular basis.
4. Tea tree oilAlso known as Melaleuca oil, this is the number one oil for acne. Just mix some raw honey and melaleuca together to make a natural face wash. Also, it's great for the scalp. You can mix it with shampoo and conditioner. I've made a natural deodorant with melaleuca oil because it's antimicrobial.
5. Oil of oreganoIt's a powerful natural immune support. If you come down with a cold, you can simply mix this with coconut oil and rub it on the bottom of the feet. This is an effective way to kick a cold.
6. FrankincenseThis is my number one essential oil. It's an essential oil I use every single day and it's the most referenced essential oil in the Bible and throughout history. Frankincense contains a compound called boswellia, which is anti-inflammatory. So, if you have inflammation anywhere, especially in the brain, frankincense is the most powerful thing you could ever use.
I use frankincense oil everyday for anti-aging. I believe it’s the most powerful essential oil in the entire world today, and there are many, many more benefits of frankincense oil.